Member Since - January 2024
Filter Everything PRO — is a plugin that completely solves the problem of filtering on a WordPress site. With WooCommerce or without it.
New in the latest version 1.8.6
All of this is supported by the Filter Everything PRO!
Filter Everything — Best WooCommerce Filter Plugin?
Review of the free limited version available on
Please, ask before buying →
WooCommerce products, posts, recipes (but not WP Recipe maker yet), cars, real estate objects and so on.
Includnig singular pages created with Page builders like Elementor, Divi builder, Themify, WPBakery, Visual Composer, Oxygen builder, Beaver builder etc
You can filter posts related with Any WP Query on a page. Including custom WordPress loops placed directly in theme files.
Well for example:
Tested with Elementor, Divi builder, Themify builder, WP Bakery composer, Oxygen builder, Beaver builder, JetEngine and others
For filtering results pages. This allow index them by Search Engines, share, bookmark or so
E.g. /color-blue/size-large/ or /size-large/color-blue/
That allows you to search in filtered posts fields such as Post content, Post title, Posts excerpt and SKU in Woo products.
Please, see demo example →
Allows you to load specific Filter terms in dependency from selection of another Filter
Allows you to create specific filters for different Categories, Tags or any other pages. Thus, you can filter products or posts by relevant parameters only.
Among them Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi etc
By Search Engines and get more visitors to your site by “chunky middle” and “long-tail” keywords.
For filtering pages
That allow you to automatically generate H1 title, SEO title and Meta description for filtering pages.
Just select the filter’s primary color.
With ability to set from 2 to 5 columns
Use images and colors to make filtering more visual.
Automatic scrolling to the top of the page, if all found products fit on a single page.
Refine your WordPress search with the Filter Everything plugin
Please, write me PM to get more info about multi-license.
There is *.pot file inside the plugin that allows you to translate it in any language. You can do it with Loco translate plugin or with Poedit desktop software. Currently it contains full translations in:
Russian translation was removed from the plugin because of russia’s aggressive war in Ukraine.
Field types supported and tested for the moment. See example
Please watch this video to understand how to install the plugin and create the first filters.
You can find more information in the documentation
The main goal of developing the Filter Everything plugin was to create a professional and ultimate filtering tool for WordPress, which would satisfy the requirements of both – site visitors and site administrators as well as SEO specialists.
That is why when developing the plugin, I researched and took into account the experience of the most popular online stores in the world and implemented it in WordPress. We also talked a lot with the SEO specialists during entire process.
= 1.8.6 = *Release Date - 18 July 2024* * Dev - Added ability to translate SEO Rules with Polylang * Fix - Fixed compatibility issue with Polylang plugin * Fix - Fixed the ability to rewrite functions wrapped with function_exists() * Fix - Fixed small issue with terms order equal to the order in ACF field * Fix - Fixed issue with text search through filtered posts and apostrophe character * Tweak - Added hooks 'wpc_taxonomy_location_terms', 'wpc_post_type_location_terms', 'wpc_author_location_terms'
= 1.8.5 = *Release Date - 15 May 2024* * Dev - Added "Labels for Chips" option to configure chip labels * Dev - Added "Dropdown Label" option * Tweak - The "Show in Chips" option was hidden due to lack of demand * Tweak - Now default terms order in a Custom Field is the same as in ACF field * Tweak - If ACF field terms have labels, they displays in the Filters widget instead of values * Fix - Fixed issue with WPML and Homepage in different languages
= 1.8.4 = *Release Date - 08 April 2024* * Dev - Tested and improved compatibility with WordPress 6.5 * Fix - Fixed issue with Filter Set for a post page * Fix - Fixed issue with preview products in draft status and PHP 8.2 * Fix - Fixed JS error occurred on type in the Search field input * Fix - Issue with incorrect attribute 'for' in the Filters Widget title label
= 1.8.3 = *Release Date - 14 February 2024* * Dev - Increased plugin performance and made faster it up to 10 times * Fix - Added compatibility with PHP 8.1, removed FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING error * Fix - Fixed bug with Date view available by default in a filter * Fix - Fixed the issue with products with empty '_sale_price' meta values and wrong On sale counters * Fix - Fixed issue with a parent filter, when current WordPress term archive page is selected term in the parent filter * Fix - Fixed bug when the only Search Field presents in a Filter Set * Fix - Fixed issues with Polylang plugin when language functions are not defined * Fix - Fixed issue with double click on the Apply Button after using the Search Field * Fix - Set correct permissions for the /assets dir * Tweak - Added hook 'wpc_plugin_user_caps' to allow to modify user roles that can use the plugin * Tweak - Made AJAX loading circle thinner
= 1.8.2 = *Release Date - 10 January 2024* * Fix - Fixed issue with GET-style parameters in filter URLs after 1.8.0 update
= 1.8.1 = *Release Date - 10 January 2024* * Fix - Fixed warning message on the login screen * Fix - Fixed issue with resetting filters cache
= 1.8.0 = *Release Date - 08 January 2024* * Dev - Added new filter type by Post Date * Tweak - Made Numeric Range filters collapsible * Fix - Renamed 'wpc_clean' function to 'flrt_clean' to avoid conflicts
= 1.7.16 = *Release Date - 14 December 2023* * Dev - Added support for Dokan store pages * Dev - Added Experimental option that hides variable products with out of stock variations * Tweak - Improved search field and added variations to search by SKU * Tweak - Added global variable $flrt_plugin to access the class * Tweak - Added ability to create translations for "Any %entity%" Filter Set type * Fix - Fixed the issue with double SEO titles and SEO Rules entities on block themes * Fix - Fixed issue with term_taxonomy_id and taxonomy filter counters * Fix - Fixed Select2 CSS conflict in Woocommerce admin forms
= 1.7.15 = *Release Date - 01 August 2023* * Dev - Added Spanish translation * Dev - Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.3 * Fix - Added 301 redirect to canonical URL with (or without) correct user trailing slash on filtering pages * Fix - Added hook 'wpc_do_filter_request' to the collectFilteredPostsIds(); method to fix term counter * Fix - Fixed hover "checked" effect for Color swatches on mobile devices * Fix - Improved On Sale and Regular price translations for On Sale filter * Tweak - Added hook 'wpc_set_min_max' to modify the $min_and_max array * Tweak - Sorted Filter and SEO Rule terms alphabetically for greater convenience
= 1.7.14 = *Release Date - 19 June 2023* * Tweak - Added the "How to?" Meta box on the Filter Set edit screen for quick help with popular questions * Tweak - Added German translation. Thanks to Daniel (microteq) * Fix - Hotfix for the 'MetaBoxes::adviceMetabox() cannot be called statically' error
= 1.7.11 = *Release Date - 31 May 2023* * Fix - Fixed missing styles on Color swatches and logos edit pages in dashboard * Fix - Fixed location for the Apply button, when Filter Set is directed to All archive pages/Any taxonomy,post,author * Fix - Fixed bug when the Apply button does not appear on frontend in the latest position of the Filter Set * Fix - Fixed bug with negative numbers for Numeric filters * Fix - Fixed bug with 404 errors, when Filter Set was in Trash and there were filters without Filter Set in DB * Fix - Fixed bug with JS alert for mobile Pop-up widget when AJAX is disabled * Tweak - Replaced /page/ with $wp_query-pagination_base in permalinks
= 1.7.8 = *Release Date - 08 May 2023* * Dev - Added Search field in the Filters widget. It is compatible with filtered posts, supports AJAX and allows to search by SKU among Woo products * Dev - Added ability to direct Filter Set to all singular pages (Any page) * Fix - Fixed compatibility issue for Bricks Builder and Filter Set for "Any taxonomy" * Fix - Improved CURL outer request to avoid 10 seconds freezing in /wp-admin when the request is failed * Fix - Fixed fatal error in FiltersWidget.php(32): extract() * Tweak - Added filter get terms hooks to allow to select terms from external tables * Tweak - Added hook 'widget_title' for all widget titles * Tweak - Added hook 'wpc_do_filter_request' to handle every filter action for wp_query * Tweak - Added hooks 'wpc_all_set_wp_queried_posts' and 'wpc_variations_meta_query' * Tweak - Added notice, when "CSS id or class of the Posts Container" configured wrong
= 1.7.6 = *Release Date - 14 March 2023* * Dev - Added [fe_posts_found] shortcode to display filtered posts number * Fix - Fixed bug with "+" symbol in ACF fields * Fix - Fixed compatibility related with post types for the latest Polylang Pro * Tweak - Optimized main CSS file * Tweak - Disabled including assets on pages does not related with filters * Tweak - Improved frontend for the RTL version * Tweak - Removed Uncategorized from Category pages list * Tweak - Improved filter templates. Overridden templates should be updated
= 1.7.5 = *Release Date - 03 February 2023* * Tweak - Added columns parameter to the [fe_widget] shortcode * Fix - Fixed notice about Undefined array key "cols_count"
= 1.7.4 = *Release Date - 31 January 2023* * Dev - Added checkbox "Horizontal layout" for the Filters widget and option with columns number * Tweak - Improved compatibility with PHP 8.0 * Fix - Fixed CSS bug with Show more/Show less and Search field * Fix - Fixed bug with Chips that sometimes disappeared with enabled AJAX feature * Fix - Fixed identifyWpQueriedObject(); method to be more compatible with WPML on singular pages
= 1.7.3 = *Release Date - 04 January 2023* * Fix - Fixed bug with undefined variables data_default, data_color and wrapper_class
= 1.7.2 = *Release Date - 02 January 2023* * Dev - Added Color Swatches support and improved Brand logo support * Tweak - Added hook 'wpc_filter_classes' to handle filter classes * Tweak - Added support for SEO Rules when permalinks (FLRT_PERMALINKS_ENABLED) are disabled * Tweak - Added sorting by Menu order for Product Categories * Tweak - Added hooks 'wpc_unset_num_shift' and 'wpc_set_num_shift' for numeric filters to allow shifting * Tweak - Added support for the Woodmart brand images * Tweak - Added license deactivate to the plugin uninstalling process * Fix - Removed hreflang tags on filtering result pages to avoid SEO problems * Fix - Fixed license activation for Wordpress Multisite * Fix - Fixed bug with untranslatable post type and Custom Field, Custom Field Num filters * Fix - Fixed bug with opened filters widget on 768px screens * Fix - Fixed bug with transient name for Post Meta Exists filters * Fix - Fixed bug for Latest posts Gutenberg module that show posts by Category
Full changelog you can find here